Last night, I left work early because I've been fighting off the crud (Is this a Southern word? I learned it here.)
As I got out of my car and turned toward the house, the most beautiful scene was in front of me.
A jet contrail streaked across the sky beside the moon.
The full moon illuminated the details of the clouds, reminiscent of Van Gogh's "Starry Night."
There aren't many nights like this in late November.
Those are beautiful photos. Looks like some special effects, like printed on flat (matt) paper. There are many beautiful skies here (in the South) :-) here in the winter. Bless ur heart! :-)
Thank you so much for visiting me from over at!
The photo was taken with a slow shutter speed...perhaps that is the reason for the effects. I'm still on a steep learning curve with techniques.
I'm looking forward to sharing more of my photos here. Photography is becoming my new love. :-)
Hey Yankee...Beautifull I like the connection to Van Gogh and reminds me of one of my all time favorite songs Don McCleans Starry Starry Night. Oh my....
Thank you troutbirder!
Here's a youtube link you might enjoy:
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